DigiInfoWatch V7.2

You are searching for a download? Click here to download latest available version of the app in Samsung App Store. Click here  to download latest available settings companion app in Samsung App Store.

Even through the watchface is free of charge, finally the companion settings app will cost small money. Anyway you will get a featured watchface for at least two days – so give it a try. During this time you can decide if you want to edit settings according to your needs.

Be aware that it's a hard work to develop such an app and a fee is a kind of 'thank you' for hundreds of hours the developer spend.

Note: An openweather API key is needed to get actual weather data. Here you can sign up to get your personal key for free.



  • Time and date service: The day, time, CW and date in nearly every language is shown. Currently up to 19 languages are supported.
    Note: Maybe some translations are missing. But in case you provide your day and month name translations, a new corresponding language resource file will be added. Don't hesitate and tell, what is missing.
  • Current weather service: The actual weather provided by openweather (incl. the feels like and expected max/ min temperature) for a fixed or GPS dependent location is shown. A short weather summary in the selected language is provided. In addition the sunrise and sunset of the day or the air pressure is available. Units are selectable.
  • Weather forecast service: The forecast provided by openweather is broken down into 3 hour steps of either today, today and next day or today and the next two days. It’s split into a "sun" information (e.g. temperature and expected air pressure) and a "rain" information (e.g. rain amount and cloudiness).
    Note: A detailed documentation of the weather forecast graphs can be found below tab "Howto" or in the section "Weather Configuration" in the settings shown in the Android settings app - press the corresponding "Howto" button.
    Note: The time of the last weather update as well as the corresponding weather location can be found respective left and right hand side as part of the current weather infopanel.
  • Feed service: Up to 3 feeds are configurable. You will get the latest news of up to 30+ selectable preconfigured feeds, a www.faroo.com search or your own feed selection. RSS as well as ATOM feeds are supported.
  • Stock/ currency value service: Stock quotes, indices (provided by Yahoo! Finance) and currency values (provided by exchangeratesapi.io)  are free selectable and shown in nice table structures.
  • Calendar service: A configurable calendar view with public holidays support (provided by kayaposoft.com).
  • Battery status control: Battery fill level is shown per percent value as well as colored digit display.
  • Bluetooth and Wifi status: See if Bluetooth or Wifi interface is currently enabled or not.
  • Layout service: Find your look and feel. A colorful bouquet of predefined layouts is selectable.
  • Ambient mode support: Time, the battery fill state, the Wifi and Bluetooth status and (only) the currently selected small InfoPanel content is shown in a really nice looking but low energy consumption manner.
  • App shortcuts: Out of 25 app shortcuts 5 click areas can be configured to launch dedicated apps.
  • Error service: In case an error occurs during e.g. a data request it will be listed in an error console. It gives an idea why dedicated infos aren't fetched and in turn not shown in a corresponding infopanel of our watchface.



The Panels

Two info panels are provided: The top panel is a small one (alias "small panel") the bottom panel is a tall one (alias "tall panel"). In seldom circumstances both are combined to show e.g. a news provided from a feed “full screen”.

The small panel is intended to show detail or focused information. You can choose between information such as course of the sun, headlines of news tickers, first two stock quotes or exchange rates, weather forecast details (for the upcoming next 3 hours), a tiny calendar (with public holidays) of current week or (mainly for debugging purposes) watchface processing consoles – if enabled.

The tall panel at the bottom provides more information. Like the small panel but more extended the current weather, news tickers, a table of stock quotes or exchange rates, weather forecast graphs covering today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, a tall calendar showing the current month (with public holidays) or (mainly for debugging purposes) watchface processing console are selectable.

Panels can be switched forward by a single click and backward (per default) by a double tap. Alternatively, the reaction of a double tap can be configured to switch the not double tapped panel to the same info that is currently shown in the double tapped panel. Thus, switching a small panel showing two lines of an interesting news into a “full screen” view is simply done by a double tap to the small panel.

A click to the CW text will zoom info panel. Only the tall infopanel remains and the shown info is zoomed. Click again to switch back.

Note: In ambient mode only the small info panel remains. In case info panel is zoomed, small info panel is "disabled" and as a result no info panel will be shown in ambient mode.

A click on the current date per default will hide all currently shown info panels or - a little bit configuration dependent - selected "default info panels" are shown. However, if no info panels are shown, beside the app name and version up to three buttons are shown, providing a (re-)load data, reset current watchface settings or (re-)load current server settings buttons. Per default only one "reload" button is shown.

Note: Whereas the "reset" button servers mainly development or bugfix purposes, the (re-)load data button can be clicked if latest data isn’t up to date.

App launch areas

A new “click configuration” setting section allows to configure up to 5 individual app shortcuts. Due to this e.g. the media player control can be opened by a simple press on the weekday text.

Layout selection

Up to 30 layouts are provided. Whereas a default layout can be selected in the settings. It will be shown first in case watchface starts. In case “Switchable layout” is disabled (in the settings) it will remain the only layout shown. Otherwise a click outside any info panel and the date info in the top of the watchface switches to next available layout. A double tap will switch backwards.

Note: We are open for any additional layout. The watchface isn’t restricted to the current layouts provided.

Forecast charts

Due to often requests, a few brief words about the weather forecast charts: In general illustrated is the weather forecast of the next N-days in 3 hour steps/ time frames. Whereas the x-axis is always the time and in each diagram you will see two different y-axis values - one left and the other right hand side.

The first chart shows the sun forecast. The temperature is plotted as line graph and the probable air pressure is represented by bars. The second chart shows the rain forecast. The probable amount of rain (or snow) is represented by bars. The cloudiness in percent is plotted as line graph. Which graph is currently shown can be identified by the small sun or rain icon.

In case that more than one day is displayed a long line splits days. Small lines split a day into 8 time frames each representing 3 hours. The concrete weather values of the next imminent 3 hour time frame are shown in a small infopanel presented as tabs. Because a weather forecast is provided, during the time frame 0 to 3 o'clock the values of 3 to 6 o'clock are shown, during the time frame 3 to 6 o'clock the values of 6 to 9 o'clock are shown etc..



Per default Samsung only grands favorited developers access to the default watchface settings opportunity. But even when, the list of settings is meanwhile so extensive that a simple list wouldn’t suffice. Due to this MotoGo provides a separate companion settings app in the Samsung App Store.


Pairing is really simple - see the pairing click guide right hand side. After a first start the app wants - it's not really a surprise - to pair only once your Gear InfoWatch watchface. Due to this our great InfoWatch watchface must be the current active watchface on your gear watch. Now you can start pairing. But don’t forget to click red confirmation button shown at watchface. Without further ado the pairing will be done. After pairing succeeded, at least a dummy watchface settings page is loaded and shown in companion app.

Pay Licence

In case you want your personal full featured settings page you have to pay a licence fee. Open menu and press “Pay licence”. Why? Be aware that it's a hard work to develop such an app and a fee is a kind of 'thank you' for hundreds of hours the developer spend. 


The settings app offers a brunch of settings - nearly everything is configurable. In particular you can fully configure the shown info panels by selecting your individual feeds, portfolios composed of either stock quotes, indices or currencies, your preferred public holiday location out of 38+ countries, your individual date and time language, a fancy or business default layout, data cache behavior, GPS parameters etc..

Especially you have an opportunity to disable e.g. the calendar and/ or the weather forecast info panel in general. Furthermore, you can configure (in expert mode) a general load data for info panel timeframe or time rules. In later case data is fetched only on weekdays or the whole week.

Note: Imagine you don’t want infos are reloaded during the night. Just define a general info panel timeframe that e.g. stops fetching data at 21 o’clock.

Note: In case you defined such a general info panel timeframe it affects the availability of news, stocks, currencies and public holidays - no surprise. ;)

In particular the weather configuration should be taken into account. In any case a openweather API key is needed. Otherwise only dummy data is shown. Here you can sign up to get your personal key for free. Afterwards enter key into settings.

You have to select a fixed weather location because it's a fallback in case GPS can't locate you. To ease the configuration of your fixed location you can search either per name token or by GPS an available weather station near to you.

You will find (in case GPS is allowed) a GPS settings section. Per default the GPS location is used to show current weather/ weather forecast. This can be disabled by disabling "Allow GPS". As a result, “only” the configured fixed location is shown - your GPS location isn't used any more.

Normally there is no need to change any other option! Only in case your GPS can't reliable find your location, you can adapt the properties "accuracy", "timeout" and "cache time" of your GPS device appropriate.

