We provide web applications based on a proven enterprise enabled CMS system which address the width spectrum from web-based consumer information or interaction for the outside world, multifunctional data maintenance as well as any kind of workflow processing feasibilities.
We also provide apps for android as well as iOS which mainly extend our web application services. But also detached, new app concepts are realized. We are free in mind and open for all ideas.
Among web only solutions apps are a mobile device optimized approach to improve usability. Due to this simplicity and ease of use are focused anytime.
Smartwatches are a next step in the scope of digitalization. Not intended to replace web solutions or mobile devices they bring quick news and tiny information to the user.
Like a quick look at the current time, a quick look at the current stock quote, a shortly published breaking news or the weather forecast of the day after tomorrow, watchfaces shall provide what is necessary in a daily usage.
We still provide watchfaces for nearly all pebble watches – a unforgotten pioneer in the market. Until today our infrastructure is still alive. Each still provided watchface runs on the device having a standard rom installed.
Furthermore, now we provide watchfaces for the popular Samsung Gear platform. An additional companion app provides an endless range of settings to customize the watchface to nearly all personal needs. More watchfaces are ramped up soon.
Nevertheless, Apple is a key player in the smartphone and watch market.
So we implemented a watchapp for the apple watch having a settings companion app, too. But due to tremendously restrictions developers must adhere to the resulting customer focused and requested app was not published until today.
But we will see what the future brings...