Todays work is issue driven. Created issues are first “general”. In a first step issues must be identified. In consequence a general issue can become a SW error that must be fixed in an upcoming release. Alternatively, it can become a request for a new functionality not yet paid and in turn not yet implemented. Or an issue is a simple question having currently no corresponding answer ready. Maybe an analysis must be started first, what again is an additional issue. Or someone else knows the answer and due to this should be asked. In such cases the issue must be assignable to dedicated experts.
Knowledge is a comparative advantage against other companies. Losing knowledge or having knowledge not in place on the contrary will become a drawback. So knowledge must be managed. One common way is to build up a central knowledge database. After having transferred decentral knowledge of experts in a central knowledge database, knowledge is always available for everyone. In consequence anybody can find distributed expert knowledge per simple search feasibilities against the “single place of truth”. Precondition is that human knowledge per se is transferred to easy to find knowledge records. Whereby knowledge records must point to many places where relevant knowledge is stored. General rule of thumb for having any time an actual state: Copy as little as possible.
Our typo3 plugin is based on our MotoGo Lib and in consequence inherits its full potential. In our base version following features are implemented and directly usable:
In case listed features aren't enough, it’s simple to add own issue entry fields or verifications. Also, it’s simple to extend the base functionality with own actions alias functionalities. The simplicity of the MotoGo Lib ensures that it’s a matter of few configuration changes or additional lines of code.
Moreover, for all frontend output pure CSS, jquery mobile as well as bootstrap layout can be used. Whereby it poses no problem to use two layouts in one solution if necessary. Thus the knowledge view can be part of a jquery page, even though the knowledge management itself is performed in a separate bootstrap environment.